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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript must contain a title that synthesizes clearly, the main idea of the writing in 18 words or less.
  • The bibliographical references and the form of the citations should correspond to the editorial style of the APA in its seventh version in English.
  • The papers will be presented in Word format with font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins of 2.5 cm on all sides, A4 size, the vertical orientation of the page and a maximum length of 5,000 words (without considering references or abstract).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • At least 5 key-words must be added, which must correspond to the MeSH terms for English key-words (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/) and the DeCS terms for Spanish key-words (http://decs.bvs.br/E/DeCS2019_Alfab.htm).
  • There are sections in the manuscript (before references) for conflicts of interest, funding sources, and acknowledgements (if applicable).
  • The updated ORCID of all authors is attached.
  • The study should note that the protocol has been approved by an ethics committee. This only applies to studies that collect primary data, not to secondary data studies or reviews. Also, a subsection called "Ethical Aspects" should be noted verbatim in the methods section. Similarly, the ethical considerations that have been taken into account in the care of participants should be placed
  • Authors should attach the (1) Adapted ICMJE disclosure form , (2) Letter of originality, and (3) Open Science Compliance Form as supplementary material.
  • The journal only accepts articles written in English.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript style

The submitted research must be unpublished (not having been partially or totally published in other journals, books or digital media) and must be authored by the applicant (s). The content of the articles should be directly on topics of health psychology, clinical psychology, family psychology, or about different scientific topics that have been addressed from a psychological perspective.

The manuscript must contain a title that synthesizes clearly, the main idea of the writing in 18 words or less, the full name of the author, professional title (of being a collegiate), institution to which it belongs (if a student, the name of the university where the studies are being studied) and email of the author (s). The work may be under the authorship of more than one author, indicating the order of authorship, considering the ethical standards proposed by the American Psychological Association (APA) in its seventh edition in English.

The summary must be coherent and precise reflecting the purpose and informative content, noting the most relevant points. It must be in English (abstract), with a maximum extension of 300 words. The abstract should be structured in background, objective, method, result, and conclusion.

At least 5 key-words must be added, which must correspond to the MeSH terms for English key-words (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/) and the DeCS terms for Spanish key-words (http://decs.bvs.br/E/DeCS2019_Alfab.htm).

The papers will be presented in Word format with font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins of 2.5 cm on all sides, A4 size, the vertical orientation of the page.


Article Types

Interacciones publishes different types of documents, here is a list of the types of documents it accepts. It is recommended that you review the editorial policies:

types of manuscritp

Recommended guidelines

(max: 1,000 words)


Original paper
(max: 7,000 words)

1. Randomised trials (CONSORT).
2. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).
3. Observational Studies (STROBE).
5. Qualitative research (COREQ).
6. Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (STARD and TRIPOD).
7. Economic Evaluation (CHEERS).
8. Quasi-experimental studies (TREND).

Review paper
(max: 7,000 words)


Study protocol
(max: 5,000 words)

1. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P).
2. Protocol for clinical trials (SPIRIT).

Case study
(max: 5,000 words)

Case reports of EQUATOR (CARE).

Letters to the editor
(max: 1,000 words)


Only in the case of randomized clinical trials conducted in Peru, the authors of the Clinical Trial must have registered their study to the Peruvian Clinical Trials Registry (REPEC, Spanish acronym) of the National Institute of Health (INS, Spanish acronym) following the standards established in the international platform of clinical trials registries of the World Health Organization taking into account the following aspects: content, quality, validity, access, technical capacity and administrative profiles (https://ensayosclinicos-repec.ins.gob.pe/; http://www.scielo.org.pe/avaliacao/avaliacao_es.htm). The authors will have to provide information about their studies together with their identification number. In addition, the Clinical Trial must have been registered with the REPEC's Ethics Committee and have obtained its accreditation (https://ensayosclinicos-repec.ins.gob.pe/acerca-del-repec/registro-de-ensayos-clinicos). 


Reference Style

It is the responsibility of the author to present with precision the bibliographic references ordered alphabetically, at the end of the work. All listed works must be referenced in the text of the article indicates. The bibliographical references and the form of the citations should correspond to the editorial style of the APA in its seventh version in English.

Article of scientific journal:

Model: Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (Year). Article title. Journal, Volume (Number), pp.incia-pp.final. doi

Example: Dominguez-Lara, S. (2016). Normative values of a scale of academic self-efficacy in university students in Lima. Interacciones, 2 (2), 91-98. https://doi.org/10.24016/2016.v2n2.31


Model: Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the book. City or Country: Editorial

Example: Villarreal, D. & Villarreal-Zegarra, D. (2016). Notes on systemic therapy. Peru: IPOPS.


Model: Surname, A. A., & Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial

Example: Hancock, G. R., & Mueller, R. O. (2001). Rethinking construct reliability within latent variable systems. In R. Cudeck, S. H. C. du Toit & D. Sörbom (Eds.), Structural equation modelling: Past and present. A Festschrift in honour of Karl G. Jöreskog (pp. 195-261). Chicago: Scientific Software International.


Guidelines for submissions

The manuscript sent for publication will be attached through the OJS platform from the link www.revistainteracciones.com; the authors must register and follow all the corresponding steps. Additionally, they should be sent via email, as an attachment, to: revistainteracciones@ipops.pe with the subject "Interacciones", specifying the title of the manuscript, authors, and manuscript type.

Only those manuscripts that are not in the process of simultaneous review in other national or international journals will be subject to evaluation.

By submitting the manuscript, the author claims to possess all the rights of the article in question, releasing from any subsequent responsibility the Instituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica - IPOPS and the journal Interacciones.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish the material it receives, in order to prioritize the research lines of the journal. By submitting an article, the journal and the Instituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica - IPOPS, are expressly authorized to publish said work in a physical and/or digitalized manner, giving all rights of reproduction of the text. 


Pre-Print Policy

The journal's policy is to interoperate with preprint servers, facilitating the submission of manuscripts previously deposited in preprint servers. The author must choose the preprint server that suits his research. Due to the scope of our journal we recommend Scielo Pre-print (https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo),medRxiv.org (https://www.medrxiv.org), PsyArXiv Preprints (https://psyarxiv.com/), and Research Square (https://www.researchsquare.com/).

Preprints should be published in PDF, HTML, or XML format. Most servers allow automatic conversion to one of these formats. The corresponding author must indicate within the Open Science Form that the manuscript has been uploaded to a Pre-print server and indicate the doi of this pre-print.


No Article Processing Charge

The journal Interacciones published by the "Instituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica" does not have charges or fees for the processing of articles (reception, initial review, peer review, acceptance or publication of articles) in any of the accepted formats (empirical studies, methodological articles, theoretical articles, and case studies). The Instituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica covers all the costs of the publication process. Therefore, at no point in the editorial process will authors be asked to pay a fee for submitting, revising, editing, typesetting, translating, or publishing articles in the journal. Interaciones has no article processing charges (APC).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.